On: Wed, Oct 08, 2008 at 10:56:43PM -0400,Jim Bohnsack Wrote:

> I'm seeing something very strange when I ipl a 2nd level VM system.  I  
> first noticed it on z/VM 5.4, but this a.m. saw that z/VM 5.3 works the  
> same way.  The Guide for Automated Installation and Service, which I was  
> following closely since I was installing from a DVD by way of an FTP  
> server, said that at the time of the first ipl, enter COLD DRAIN  
> NOAUTOLOG at the first ipl message.  Normally I just press enter for  
> WARM.  When I entered, or tried to enter, that, the keyboard on my  
> emulator locked.  With a little poking around, I found that I can't  
> enter anything on the first screen.  On the 2nd or subsequent screens, I  
> have an input enabled input area.  On the first screen, it's input  
> inhibited. A little more poking around showed me that it only acts this  
> way on a screen that *IS NOT *a model 2 screen.  A mod-2 3270 emulator  
> session works just fine. 
> Before Chuckie or someone says that I should open a PMR, I have done  
> that, PMR 28075.  I am using Tom Brennan's, Vista emulator.  I'll try it  
> in the a.m. with another one or two emulators.  In the meantime,  
> however, I would be interested in hearing from someone who has the  
> opportunity to ipl a 2nd level z/VM 5.4 or earlier while using an  
> emulator screen that is not configured as a mod-2 3270.  What I'd like  
> to know is at ipl time, when you've got the first screen up with options  
> of WARM FORCE SHUTDOWN or what ever, if you can key anything it.  You  
> don't have to enter it.  2nd and subsequent screens seem just fine.

Just a WAG, but is it possible that this emulator doesn't properly reset
to model 2 mode when it gets an erase-write and its defined as non-model

Rich Greenberg  N Ft Myers, FL, USA richgr atsign panix.com  + 1 239 543 1353
Eastern time.  N6LRT  I speak for myself & my dogs only.    VM'er since CP-67
Canines:Val, Red, Shasta & Casey (RIP), Red & Zero, Siberians  Owner:Chinook-L
Retired at the beach                                     Asst Owner:Sibernet-L

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