I have done it 3 1/2 times. The first time was in FORTRAN under VM/370
R5. Two times at this job using paid-for products (VMAccount and
CA-JARS). Both were too much information for management and not enough
of the right information for me. The 1/2 time was much more recent
thanks to a special survey last May that eventually ignored all IFL usage.
I started that process in REXX and PIPELINES with the structured fields
support. I think that could have potential but I don't have to do any
real accounting anymore. They want to charge as if everything was a
dedicated wintel box. I am out of the hard part.

/Tom Kern

Jim Bohnsack wrote:
> My IBM management, 25 years ago, went by the same idea that all users
> should pay a fixed fee.  I finally convinced them that your way, i.e. a
> smaller fixed fee and then incremental charges made sense.  I used the
> analogy of a hotel.  When you walk into a Holiday Inn, you know that
> there is some kind of base rate, but when you ask for an extra bed or a
> corner bedroom or room service, you are charged an extra fee.  25 years
> ago, the situation was kind of similar to running a Linux guest.  Most
> of the users were PROFS users, but we also supported IBM instructors who
> needed to bring up an MVS guest to prepare for a class.  There was no
> good reason to charge user A opening a PROFS note and user B running a
> guest MVS and calling them the same.  Writing the accounting code to
> handle the accounting records is no small task.  I did it in the '80's
> and would share it except that that was 2 jobs ago and I almost
> certainly didn't keep any of it to share.
> Jim

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