I have a question regarding the translation of the left and right square
brackets.  Files we created under Z/VM 5.2 using the square brackets are
displaying incorrectly.


Should ascii x'5B' translate to EBCDIC x'AD'?


Should ascii x'5D' translate to EBCDIC x'BD'?


The green/yellow card has the translations being

Ascii x'5B' to EBCDIC x'AD' and Ascii x'5D' to EBCDIC x'BD'.


After upgrading to Z/VM 5.4, We are seeing


Ascii x'5B' -> EBCDIC x'BA'

Ascii x'5D' -> EBCDIC x'BB'


What is the recommended telnet translation table we should be using?


Was there a change in the default translation table between 5.2 and 5.4?


Could we have changed the default translation table and not leave





Jim Hughes


"It is fun to do the impossible."


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