On Tue, 9 Dec 2008 13:57:11 -0600, Steve Mitchell 

>Having been a technician my entire career I don't  posses much knowledge
>the intricacies of the budgeting process.  Here in short is what I've be
>tasked with:  The support of our linux guests was moved to the UNIX (AIX
>Admin group last year about this time.  They are now suggesting we move 

>the linux work to AIX because its 'cheaper' and 'more reliable'.  I've
>found and collected the conversation earlier this year regarding 
a 'costing
>method' for linux guest vs Intel servers, so I have that as a starting
>point.  If anyone has experience with the pros/cons of AIX vs z/VM/LINUX
>would appreciate any information you can share. Aside from that any othe
>'food for thought' you can provide is greatly appreciated.  Our 
>is essentially WebShpere App server and MQ, accessing DB2 data on z/OS.
>Yes, we are using Hipersocket connectivity to z/OS from Linux.

In the "food for thought" category, thank your Admin group for the 
research they've done into determining the cost and reliability of both 

AIX and z/Linux.  Then ask to see it so you can use it in your analysis.

Brian Nielsen

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