On Wednesday, 12/10/2008 at 09:13 EST, Steve Mitchell 
> Thank you one and all for your suggestions and insights on how to 
> this task.  In spite of the poor track record of IBM, this case is not
> their fault.  Its being driven strictly from a group who is used to 
> complete control over all they do.  Not being able to do what they want,
> when they want, how they want is driving them mad!!

IMO, this is a misconception by many "distributed" folks, fostered by 
poorly chosen words from salespeople and mainframers.  They believe that 
that are no longer in the server business, yet nothing could be further 
from the truth.  What they no longer have is budget and time problem.

You and they, working together, can build a growth model that lets you 
plan for, budget, and purchase the computing power *they* need in a way 
that saves your company money over time and lets them focus more on their 
value-add rather than wasting time on procurement.

They often are spooked by some overzealous mainframe person who has 
visions of WORLD DOMINATION and telling everyone else The Right Way to do 
things. <shudder>

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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