On Wednesday, 12/17/2008 at 11:57 EST, Michael Coffin 
<michaelcof...@mccci.com> wrote:
> Yes.  It's not a "technical problem" so much as a "policy problem".
> SSL/TLS works perfectly (well, maybe 1 bug that I know of) on VM/CMS,
> it's not the problem.

FWIW, there is exactly ONE requirement open for SSH on VM and it is for 
inbound support of "ssh3270".
> A client of mine (you know who I mean Alan) somehow came to the
> conclusion that Tectia is an "Enterprise-wide secure FTP solution",
> perhaps based on all the spin it has been getting lately (including in
> z/Journal).  So, without REALLY knowing WHAT the "Enterprise" consisted
> of, they went forth and procured this product and have mandated that
> "all FTP shall be via Tectia secure FTP".  Just one tiny little problem,
> Tectia is ENTIRELY SSH-based (no SSL/TLS support), and has neither a
> client nor server component for VM/CMS.

That doesn't sound like a security policy so much as a "certified parts 

> So there's my problem in a nutshell.  ALL FTP clients and servers
> OUTSIDE of VM/CMS are going to be SSH-based Tectia.  They won't be able
> to talk to us, and we won't be able to talk to them.  :(

Needless to say, I detest security policies that are nothing more than a 
description of a particular implementation of the policy.  I cannot keep 
security policies from exceeding the capabilities of all platforms to 
which it will be applied.  That is the job of those who review said 
policies.  Since you can't get blood from a stone, I guess Management will 
have to select from the available options:
- Make the security policy state the SECURITY REQUIREMENT, not the 
IMPLEMENTATION, so that the implementation can change as technology 
changes.  (If SSL/TLS is so bad, why is it ok for http?  Oh.  So it's not 
a security issue?  It's just about enforcing a fave interactive and file 
transfer protocol standard?  OK, but don't do it under color of 
- File an exception and use SSL/TLS
- Write or contract for your own ssh implementation on VM
- Use an intermediary (more RYO or contracting)
- Transfer data using https using a pull model

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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