On Thursday, 01/15/2009 at 12:13 EST, Marcy Cortes 
<marcy.d.cor...@wellsfargo.com> wrote:
> Seems that with modern DASD, one never gets a volume failure anymore. 
> either lose nothing or you lose the whole darn subsystem or big chunk of 
> Put it on a different box :)  Or use PPRC to a different box if it 
really is 
> that critical.  If not, take regular, frequent backups to tape.

Yes, by "h/w failure" I don't really mean a rotating spindle.  RAID 
technologies pretty much guarantee protection from a a single- or 
double-drive/media failure.  (You actually have to use it, though!)  The 
more likely failures are in the infrastructure or the associated wetware.

If you have GDPS available to you, it can transparently protect the RACF 
database volume, obviating the requirement for a backup database.  That 
said, I don't know that the RACF database setup utilities handle placing 
both databases on the same volume.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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