>So that I understand what you are saying, I would add the CP-OWNED SLOT
>255 RESERVED where in the SYS CONFIG file? And when this is added does
>it mean that let's say my last RESERVED SLOT in the SYS CONFIG file was
>10 and I added the 255 SLOT statement after this and I now wanted to add
>a CP-OWNED volume dynamically I would do a CP OWNED command using SLOT
>11 and so on. I then assume I would go into the SYS CONFIG file and add
>a CP-OWNED SLOT statement (CP_OWNED SLOT 11) before the CP_OWNED SLOT

The location and order of the CP_Owned statements doesn't matter. They
don't even have to be listed in order of the slot numbers. Having said
that, for readability, maintainability, and to keep us all sane, it is
a good practice to specify them all together and in slot numnber order.

Specifying SLOT 255 RESERVED will mark all of the slots following your
last defined ("real volume") slot as Reserved.

CP_Owned Definitions in SYSTEM CONFIG:

    CP_Owned   Slot   1  JF1RES Own
    CP_Owned   Slot   2  SPOOL1 Share
    CP_Owned   Slot   3  MDSP1 Share
    CP_Owned   Slot   4  DUMP1 Share
    CP_Owned   Slot   5  SPOOL0 Own
    CP_Owned   Slot   6  MDSP0 Own
    CP_Owned   Slot   7  DUMP0 Own
    CP_Owned   Slot   8  TEMP00 Own
    CP_Owned   Slot   9  TEMP01 Own
    CP_Owned   Slot  10  TEMP02 Own
    CP_Owned   Slot 255  Reserved

QUERY CPOWNED result when system is IPLed (all of the removed slots will
appear; I removed them to keep this readable:

q cpowned
Slot  Vol-ID  Rdev  Type   Status
   1  JF1RES  0A40  Own    Online and attached
   2  SPOOL1  0781  Share  Online and attached
   3  MDSP1   0881  Share  Online and attached
   4  DUMP1   ----  Share  Offline
   5  SPOOL0  0780  Own    Online and attached
   6  MDSP0   0880  Own    Online and attached
   7  DUMP0   ----  Own    Offline
   8  TEMP00  ----  Own    Offline
   9  TEMP01  ----  Own    Offline
  10  TEMP02  0785  Own    Online and attached
  11  ------  ----  -----  Reserved
  12  ------  ----  -----  Reserved
  13  ------  ----  -----  Reserved
  14  ------  ----  -----  Reserved
  15  ------  ----  -----  Reserved
                .                    (slots 16-249 removed)
 250  ------  ----  -----  Reserved
 251  ------  ----  -----  Reserved
 252  ------  ----  -----  Reserved
 253  ------  ----  -----  Reserved
 254  ------  ----  -----  Reserved
 255  ------  ----  -----  Reserved

John Franciscovich
z/VM Development

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