I have a few OSA questions please:

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==============lan ==================
       OLD                              NEW
================ lan ================
        |                                |
        | OSA PriROUTER                  | OSA NonROUTER
        |                                |
+----------------+               +----------------+
| VM |               |    VSWitch     | 
| |               +----------------+
+----------------+                   |        |
        |                +----------------+   |
        | vCTC           | VM |   |
        |                +----------------+   |
+----------------+                            |
| VSE|                     +----------------+
+----------------+                     |VSE|
                                       | |

1) If an OSA is defined as non-routing, is it true 
that it will simply ignore all packets not directed to 
one of the HOME addresses of one of the stacks 
connected to that OSA?  (And therefore all traffic 
on the network not aimed at one of those addresses
will not be seen by the stacks using the OSA)?

2) And, OTOH, will a non-routing OSA pass through traffic 
aimed at an IP address which IS one of the HOME 
addresses of a stack connected to the OSA, 
even if that address is NOT an address on the OSA itself, 
but on some other defined interface?

3) and do the above rules apply equally to IP VSWITCH 

The background for these questions is that we (I) want
to remove our old system of "guest lan" system that 
connected our various VSE machines by VCTC to 
CMS TCPIP, and replace it with direct connections 
to the LAN via VSWITCH.

So, question 1 relates to driving VSE crazy with 
all of the additional network traffic. (BTW, I was told 
that they have gazillions of "broadcasts" - what will 
that do to us?)

Question 2 is important because we don't use DNS, 
(don't ask me why! I have no idea!) and the old IP numbers
of the VSE must continue to be recognized. That means I 
will have to get the network diety to route 
(the old address of a VSE) to its new address on the VSWITCH
and on the main 10.0/16 lan of 

Thank you very much,

Shimon Lebowitz                mailto:shim...@iname.com
VM System Programmer           .
Israel Police National HQ.     
Jerusalem, Israel              phone: +972 2 542-9877  fax: 542-9308

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