Hi Terry.
Are you using the (doends option when running diskmap? I only get these
overlays when using (doends, otherwise they're supressed.
Frank Bruchmann.


Fra: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:ib...@listserv.uark.edu] På
vegne af Martin, Terry R. (LOCKHEED MARTIN Performance Engineering/CTR)
Sendt: 11. marts 2009 23:07



I did a DISKMAP USER DIRECTORY and while viewing the output I noticed
that I had a few 'OVERLAYS'. 


In my MAINT directory entry I have the following:


MDISK 122 3390 000 END 530SPL MR 

MDISK 123 3390 000 END 530RES MR 

MDISK 124 3390 000 END 530W01 MR 

MDISK 125 3390 000 END 530W02 MR 

MDISK 126 3390 000 END 530W03 MR


Now, I reference these disks I other entries in the directory starting
at location 001 for however many cylinders I need. As you can see the
MDISK entries above start at 000 to END.


The output from the DISKMAP shows the following:


VOLUME   USERID      CUU   DEVTYPE      START         END        SIZE
530SPL   $SPOOL$       B01     3390             00000          END

                 MAINT         122      3390             00000
END           ? *OVE



530W01   LNXADMIN    191      3390              00001       00100

               E49L021P     191      3390              00101       00102

               E49L054P      191     3390              00103       00104

               E49L124P     191      3390              00105       00106

               E49L046P     191      3390              00107       00108

               MAINT          124     3390               00000
END           ? *OVE




530W02   E49L021P      910     3390              00001       00200

               E49L054P      910     3390              00201       00400

               E49L124P      910     3390              00401       00600

E49L046P       910     3390             00801       01000       00200
MAINT            125     3390             00000         END           ?


I see what the problem is my question is do I need to have the entries
for these disks in the MAINT directory entry? And what are the
consequences if they are removed from the MAINT entry. This is the way
the DIRECTORY was shipped on the install tape.


Thanks for the help!



Thank You,


Terry Martin

Lockheed Martin - Information Technology

z/OS & z/VM Systems - Performance and Tuning

Cell - 443 632-4191

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  • ... Martin, Terry R. (LOCKHEED MARTIN Performance Engineering/CTR) (CTR)
    • ... Dave Wade
    • ... Scott Rohling
    • ... Brüchmann.Frank FBR
      • ... Martin, Terry R. (LOCKHEED MARTIN Performance Engineering/CTR) (CTR)
    • ... Edward M Martin
      • ... Kris Buelens
        • ... Edward M Martin
          • ... August Carideo
        • ... Martin, Terry R. (LOCKHEED MARTIN Performance Engineering/CTR) (CTR)

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