Please oh please: use DIRMAP iso DISKMAP.  DIRAMP knows how to properly
treat fullpack minidisks, they are not taken as overlap...
In my CP directories, **any** overlap signals a problem, there should be not
a single one, otherwise people will miss a truely unexpected overlap too.
DIRMAP even signal overlaps with a non-zero return code and message to the
console, but, it ignores fullpack overlays.
With DIRMAP fullpack definitions are still a very good thing, for example to
learn DIRMAP how many cylinders a volume has; no need to define a dummy user

I sent Terry Martin the directory wisdom document I wrote for my former

2009/3/12, Edward M Martin <>:
>  Hello Terry,
> As others have explained, MAINT uses these to do some functions (DDR backup
> etc).
> The overlay is normal from DISKMAP and is expected (well should be).
> I have added user ids of $ALLOC$ and $END$ for cylinder 0 and for the last
> cylinder on
> all z/VM volumes as a reminder for myself.
> Just something that helps me keep track.  (No, we do not have DIRMAINT.)
> Ed Martin
> Aultman Health Foundation
> 330-588-4723
> ext 40441
>   ------------------------------
> *From:* The IBM z/VM Operating System [] *On
> Behalf Of *Martin, Terry R. (LOCKHEED MARTIN Performance Engineering/CTR)
> (CTR)
> *Sent:* Wednesday, March 11, 2009 6:07 PM
> Hi
> I did a DISKMAP USER DIRECTORY and while viewing the output I noticed that
> I had a few ‘OVERLAYS’.
> In my MAINT directory entry I have the following:
> MDISK 122 3390 000 END 530SPL MR
> MDISK 123 3390 000 END 530RES MR
> MDISK 124 3390 000 END 530W01 MR
> MDISK 125 3390 000 END 530W02 MR
> MDISK 126 3390 000 END 530W03 MR
> Now, I reference these disks I other entries in the directory starting at
> location 001 for however many cylinders I need. As you can see the MDISK
> entries above start at 000 to END.
> The output from the DISKMAP shows the following:
> VOLUME   USERID      CUU   DEVTYPE      START         END        SIZE
> 530SPL   $SPOOL$       B01     3390             00000
>  END           ?
>                  MAINT         122      3390             00000
>   END           ? *OVE
> 530W01   LNXADMIN    191      3390              00001       00100
> 00100
>                E49L021P     191      3390              00101
> 00102       00002
>                E49L054P      191     3390              00103
> 00104       00002
>                E49L124P     191      3390              00105
> 00106       00002
>                E49L046P     191      3390              00107
> 00108       00002
>                MAINT          124     3390               00000
> END           ? *OVE
> 530W02   E49L021P      910     3390              00001       00200
> 00200
>                E49L054P      910     3390              00201
> 00400       00200
>                E49L124P      910     3390              00401
> 00600       00200
>                E49L046P       910     3390             00801
> 01000       00200
>                MAINT            125     3390             00000
> END           ? *OVE
> I see what the problem is my question is do I need to have the entries for
> these disks in the MAINT directory entry? And what are the consequences if
> they are removed from the MAINT entry. This is the way the DIRECTORY was
> shipped on the install tape.
> Thanks for the help!
> *Thank You,*
> *Terry** Martin*
> *Lockheed** Martin** - Information Technology*
> *z/OS & z/VM Systems - Performance and Tuning*
> *Cell - 443 632-4191*
> *Work - 410 786-0386*
> **
> *Telecommuting on Fridays - Use my cell phone*

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support
  • ... Martin, Terry R. (LOCKHEED MARTIN Performance Engineering/CTR) (CTR)
    • ... Dave Wade
    • ... Scott Rohling
    • ... Brüchmann.Frank FBR
      • ... Martin, Terry R. (LOCKHEED MARTIN Performance Engineering/CTR) (CTR)
    • ... Edward M Martin
      • ... Kris Buelens
        • ... Edward M Martin
          • ... August Carideo
        • ... Martin, Terry R. (LOCKHEED MARTIN Performance Engineering/CTR) (CTR)

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