On 3/26/09 12:54 PM, "Le Grande Valerie" <valerie.legra...@sentry.com>
> Also, z/OS sysprogs tend to be more
> adamant about having monitoring tools for the "whole box" picture,
> procedures and automation for operations staff, reliability, recovery and
> reliable DR procedures, etc etc. for a production system than those from
> the distributed side in our shop. For z/VM, this is all new stuff for us.

As they should be. 

Keep in mind that many of the z/OS tools also have the ability to eat VM
stuff. It may be a bit rusty, but tools like Netview have some really handy
stuff already implemented that can be a big help.

> Thanks also to those who have suggested training resources. As mentioned
> by others, IBM is not scheduling a lot of classes (or they get canceled).
> Prices have gone up on them, too, from days past, so other recommendation
> s
> are most appreciated.

There is a list of non-IBM education providers for z/VM and Linux training
at http://www.vm.ibm.com/education/ (about halfway down the page). All are
good choices, and all have extensive VM and Linux expertise. I know at least
one of them charges far less than the IBM courses cost...8-)

-- db

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