On Fri, 3 Apr 2009 09:33:01 -0400, Davis, Larry <larry.davis.consult...@n
IELSEN.COM> wrote:

>are there currently any CMS options for performing Secure FTP transfers?

>Larry Davis
>The Nielsen Company

That catch is that there are several different things called "Secure FTP"
.  SFTP  (SSH + FTP) client is, 
as far as I know, not supported on CMS. FTPS is FTP secured by SSL. That 
is supported in z/VM 
5.3.0 and later. 

In my shop they are not happy with this, they want SFTP (even though Info
rmation Security says 
SFTP is Allowed and FTPS is Most Preferred.) They want SCP, too. Perhaps 
they want what they are 
used to. Or what comes with their standard build of Unix/Linux. Perhaps d
on't want to request 
additional software and call attention to their use of FTP to move data f
rom Unix to CMS to do 
their batch processing.

Alan Ackerman
Alan (dot) Ackerman (at) Bank of America (dot) com 

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