Karl Kingston wrote:
We're about to apply some RSU's to our current 5.3 system. System has been running great without issues.

Right now, I'd like to minimize the downtime for our users. Since we're running z/Linux with production servers.

Is running SERVICE EXEC distruptive to the running system? I would think PUT2PROD would be.

Can I run SERVICE to apply the service and then at a later time when we schedule an outage, I can run PUT2PROD and SHUTDOWN/re-IPL?

Run SERVICE at any time. When you are ready run PUT2PROD and re-IPL. Unlike some systems PUT2PROD will not force a re-IPL but you should do one soon after it runs if there were updates to the CP NUCLEUS on the RSU.

Stephen Frazier
Information Technology Unit
Oklahoma Department of Corrections
3400 Martin Luther King
Oklahoma City, Ok, 73111-4298
Tel.: (405) 425-2549
Fax: (405) 425-2554
Pager: (405) 690-1828
email:  stevef%doc.state.ok.us

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