>Nope, it was me doing the shutdown reipl and no ucb on it.
>Could a duplicate volume message cause it? (not cpowned).
>12:12:10 HCPWRM904E System recovery failure; incorrect warm start data.

This means that some of the system information that is saved in the
checkpoint (most likely) and/or warm start areas during shutdown was
not saved correctly and therefore cannot be restored, so the WARM start
cannot complete.

FORCE will cause the system to restore whatever it can out of what was
saved in these areas. For instance, if the error was in the checkpoint
area (possibly overflowed), then the spool file information will still
be restored from the warm start area.

If the duplicate volume has the same volser as the volume that contains
the checkpoint and warmstart areas that were used at shutdown, you could
get this message. In this case, none of the checkpoint and warm start
data would be restored if you continue with a FORCE start.

John Franciscovich
z/VM Development

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