I have never seen 'regions' defined in EXTENT CONTROL as anything other than
the corresponding DASD volser.   I can see how it might be used if you were
really into carving up DASD volumes strategically -- but I believe those
days are long gone.

Anyway - I'm putting together some best practices revolving around DASD,
DIRMAINT, EXTENT CONTROL - and one thing I planned to list is to ensure that
the regions listed match the volsers.   I've been bitten by mismatches
(someone duplicating a line but failing to change the 2nd word -- the
volume) and want to eliminate them.

So my question is this:   Does anyone at all actually specify regions in
EXTENT CONTROL on a DASD volume that have a different name then the DASD
volser?   If so - is there an advantage you can tell me about?

Thanks!  Scott

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