I had trouble manipulating Julian dates for a product wrapper I wrote;
finally wrote something like this, that you can modify to get the answer
you're looking for:




 *      J2N EXEC


 *      Display a Julian date in Normal format; this is really pretty

 *      easy, but it's become such a common need that I wrote a routine


 *      It was SO easy, I've updated it to handle forms like yyyynnn and

 *      yyyy.nnn and others that happen to fit. The translate() call

 *      changes single quotes, slashes and decimal points to blanks, and

 *      the space() call removes all blanks from in and around the

 *      Then take only the last 5 characters, prepending zeros if


        arg JDate .;

        JDate = space(translate(JDate,,"'/."), 0);

        JDate = right(JDate, 5, "0");

        say date("W", JDate, "J")"," date(, JDate, "J");




and then:


j2n E08143




Thursday, 22 May 2008






From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:ib...@listserv.uark.edu] On
Behalf Of Edward M Martin
Sent: Wednesday, May 13, 2009 10:03 AM
To: IBMVM@listserv.uark.edu
Subject: Re: REXX Date Function Help...Please


Hello Howard,


>From z/VM 5.3  Help REXX DATE




           |                    (1)|  '-| Group 1 |-'



And then reference (1)



(1)  If the Century or Julian format is specified, then no other options

     are permitted. These two formats are provided for compatibility

     programs written for releases prior to VM/ESA(R) version 2 release

     1.1. It is recommended that they not be used for new programs.


It would seem that if you specify Julian format you have to use today's



Ed Martin

Aultman Health Foundation


ext 35050


From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:ib...@listserv.uark.edu] On
Behalf Of Scott Rohling
Sent: Tuesday, May 12, 2009 10:05 PM
Subject: Re: REXX Date Function Help...Please


For the group (sent this to Howard personally when I did a reply):

Is this what you mean?:

jday = date('J')
Say DATE('U',jday,'J')

On DATE:  the first parm is the output format (USA) - the 2nd is the
input date - the 3rd is the input date format.


On Tue, May 12, 2009 at 7:57 PM, Howard Rifkind <vmes...@yahoo.com>

I have the DATE function working in order to get the current date into
Julian date format but I'm have difficulty going the other way...Julian
date to standard date such as MM/DD/YY.

I've tried tries a number of ways to format the DATE function to do this
without any success.

I surrender.

File_Juldate = DATE('J',FILE_DATE)    Doesn't work.

Any help with this will be appreciated.




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