"Huegel, Thomas" wrote:
>I have a simple question about a XEDIT  macro.

>I have a macro that does a locate and select on some lines and then
>displays the selected lines.

>My question, is there a way to find the number of lines that have been
>selected without counting them as I select them?
>EXTRACT '/selectedlines/'          doesn't seem to exist..

As others have noted, extract /nbscope is the right answer. I've had a short 
macro called ALLSIZE for 25 years:

   ALLSIZE XEDIT -- Show number of lines displayed after ALL and friends.

   No operands are needed or checked for.

   if nbscope.1 = 0 then nbscope.1 = 'No'
   if nbscope.1 = 1 then 'COMMAND MSG 1 line is currently displayed.'
   else 'COMMAND MSG' nbscope.1 'lines are currently displayed.'

I use this in conjunction with TALL (Toggle ALL), TN (go to next selected line, 
even when viewing entire file after TALL), TU, ALSO, et al. This is one of the 
many areas where XEDIT's power shines!


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