Heckler, Bruce wrote:

Hi Dave,

Let me preface I’m just a part time VM’er. I just got on this listserve a few weeks ago, so I didn’t see any of the previous. I spend most of my time with z/OS TCP/IP, but the two stacks are pretty close.

- Last time I looked, x3270 is a TN3270 client, not TN3270e.

See http://x3270.bgp.nu/

*x3270* runs over a TELNET connection, emulating either an IBM 3279 (color) or 3278 (monochrome). It supports:

   * The full TN3270E protocol
   * SSL/TLS (via the OpenSSL library) for encrypted sessions
   * APL2 characters
   * Non-English character sets, including Russian, Turkish, Hebrew and
     DBCS Chinese and Japanese
   * IND$FILE file transfer
   * NVT mode (emulating a color xterm)
   * A pop-up keypad for 3270-specific keys
   * A scrollbar
   * Printer session integration
   * Extensive debugging and scripting facilities


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