On Monday, 06/08/2009 at 02:49 EDT, Michael Coffin 
<michaelcof...@mccci.com> wrote:

> We  have a bunch of users that are DB2 for VM Stored Procedure servers.  
> get autologged and run some DB2 code that allows work to be offloaded 
> them.  When we changed their passwords to be LBYONLY the process stopped 
> working.  Nobody seemed to know HOW these servers actually get 
autologged,  so 
> I dug through some system logs from prior to the change and found  this:
> AUTO LOGON  ***       SQLP0001  USERS = 101   BY SQLP0001
> Is  that the darnedest thing you ever saw?!?!?  How can a virtual 
> which  is NOT logged on execute AUTOLOG, and if it IS logged on and can 
> execute  AUTOLOG, then it cannot be AUTOLOGged!  This started the whole 
> "chicken and  egg" analysis of course, and we were forced to make these 
> unusual servers  AUTOONLY (with many comments documenting this oddity in 
> VM:Secure server  profile!).  

What you are seeing is an APPC Private Server request.  That is, APPCVM 
CONNECT to LU *USERID SQLP0001.  Requests can come in locally or via LU 
6.2 (AVS & VTAM) from a remote system.

> PS:  There is one other group of users that cannot use LBYONLY or 
> a server (that normally runs disconnected) is the subject of FTP 
> the FTP login authentication will fail with either LBYONLY or  AUTOONLY 
as the 
> password.  If someone knows of a clever way around this,  I'd love to 
hear it 
> ..... :)

An AUTOONLY user cannot be used for authentication (obviously).  An 
LBYONLY user must authenticate with their own user ID.  E.g. enter 
maint.by.michael  when ftp prompts for your user ID.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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