According the HELP CPSET SHUTDOWNTIME (on 5.4):

1.  This command takes effect only when the WITHIN interval or BY hh:mm:ss
options of the SHUTDOWN command are used.  If these options are not
specified on the command, the SHUTDOWNTIME and SIGNAL SHUTDOWN times are
added together and that is the time allowed for the shutdown, if necessary.

So unless you're using WITHIN or BY when you do a z/VM shutdown - you should
be waiting 1230 seconds if necessary.

Also, note - this is only applicable to a z/VM shutdown -- if you SIGNAL
SHUTDOWN a guest manually -- SHUTDOWNTIME isn't involved.


On Thu, Jun 11, 2009 at 7:58 AM, Robert J McCarthy <> wrote:

> I believe that I may have found something that could be causing my quick
> shutdowns. I issued the following commands with results :
> System shutdown time: 30 seconds
> System default shutdown signal timeout: 1200 seconds
> Even though I enter the following command :
>  could vm be using the system shutdown time of 30 seconds when it
> receives a response from a guest. This might explain why all all guests
> appear to shutdown within 30 seconds. If I increase that value to say
> 1800 with a "CP SET SHUTDOWNTIME 1800", might this correct my problem ?
>                Thanks,    Bob
> -----Original Message-----
> From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
> Behalf Of Marcy Cortes
> Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 4:31 PM
> Subject: Re: Clean Linux Guest Shutdown
> Please post the console messages from post syslog going down.
> Marcy
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>
> Sent: Wed Jun 10 14:15:06 2009
> Subject: Re: [IBMVM] Clean Linux Guest Shutdown
> David,
>  The reboot was 3 hours later when the guest was manually brought up
> after the corrupted filesystem was fixed. The last message received at
> shutdown was :
> Jun 7 02:02:48 zoracle2 syslog-ng[1780]: syslog-ng version 1.6.8 going
> down
>  We did not have vmpoff=LOGOFF in the parm lines. The linux guests were
> in a vm DSC status. We were not logged into any of them. I did notice
> however that the guests were all logged off of vm once the vm
> termination message was received.
>           Thanks,    Bob
> -----Original Message-----
> From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [] On
> Behalf Of David Boyes
> Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2009 2:17 PM
> Subject: Re: Clean Linux Guest Shutdown
> > It
> > appears that linux sends the termination response to vm before it has
> > really completed it's (linux)shutdown. In linux's inittab we have
> > "shutdown -h" coded.
> But your example shows a automatic reboot and the system trying to come
> back up. Something else is wrong... do you specify vmpoff=LOGOFF in your
> parm lines? You want the virtual machine to log off when it's done.

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