On Sun, Jul 12, 2009 at 5:09 AM, Ivan Warren <i...@vmfacility.fr> wrote:

> Chip Davis wrote:
>> ... when shared segments were implemented in VM.
>> It seems to me that it predated the VM/370 SEPP/BSEPP days when I started,
>> but there's been many a synapse lost since then.
>>  VM/370 R6 does have DCSS (DisContiguous Shared Segments IIRC) - Even
> without SEPP or BSEPP.
> But of course, contrary to modern VM systems (ie, VM/XA onward), these
> needed to be defined when the nucleus is built (via DMKSNT) - and space had
> to be allocated (that is, even though the space was allocated as "PERM", you
> had to make sure no user MDISKs were sitting there) and formatted (through
> IPL FMT) especially for this purpose on a CP owned DASD.
> Note that VM/370 R6 is still being actively used as a learning tool by some
> individuals who aren't lucky enough to have access to a modern and up to
> date VM system - since it is the last VM release that was available as a
> no-charge SCP - and is also believed to be de-jure (although IANAL) public
> domain because of the lack of copyright statement and because it was release
> prior to the 1976 copyright laws.

DCSS = DisContiguous *SAVED* Segment. They aren't necessarily shared.

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