On Saturday, 07/18/2009 at 05:15 EDT, "Frank M. Ramaekers" 
<framaek...@ailife.com> wrote:
> That?s an idea, but I don?t want so many caveats.  I don?t want to have 
> worry if the IBM supplied (for instance) is in EXEC, EXEC2 or REXX, nor 
if it 
> is REXX that it has an ADDRESS COMMAND initially.   I just to frontend 
it with 
> the same name (to be transparent).

CMS is not very amenable to that sort of manipulation.  When you invoke an 
exec, the exec will seem to "disappear" from the normal command search 
order.  That is, if TEST EXEC contains
   address CMS "TEST"
it will get RC= -3.

So if you want to invoke an exec of the same name, you must explicitly use 
the EXEC command.  But if you want to avoid invoking the same exec, you 
need to EXECLOAD the right one!

It also means that you have to know whether you're invoking an EXEC or a 
MODULE.  Well, you don't HAVE to, but that just means adding more code to 
respond to the EXECLOAD failure.
> It more detail, I just want to frontend the IOCP EXEC with an EXEC that 
> verify a successful RC.  If successful, it will FTP the source and PDF 
> listing and FTP it to a DR server.


/* This exec front-ends the IOCP EXEC on the S-disk */
arg parms
address Command
"EXEC IOCP" parms
src = rc
if src = 0 then do
   /* whatever you want */
exit src

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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