>>> On 8/1/2009 at  2:08 PM, Ivan Warren <i...@vmfacility.fr> wrote: 
> Mark,
> Why do you think it is 'sketchy' ? There is a 200+ page manual that 
> explains in great detail each and every possible statement you can have 
> in the configuration file. As far as 'released' software is concerned, 
> we have put a great deal of effort to ensure each and every statement 
> and each and every options to these statements are documented, that the 
> behavior of this particular z/Architecture implementation is documented 
> throughout regarding on how you code this or that statement.

Mainly because it doesn't talk about how or why.  Just because every parameter 
is documented in exquisite detail doesn't mean much if you don't know that 
should be used, and when, and why.  I've been working with mainframes since 
1973.  I've read a lot of IBM manuals that do the same thing, perhaps in 
_excruciating_ detail.  There's still a need for Redbooks, to this day, to 
provide the "how and why."  Hercules documentation is in the same boat.

Mark Post

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