I am trying to put on the latest RSU for VM, 0902, and was using SERVICE. It complained that there is a PTF for a modified part of RACF that needs to be installed and stopped, leaving a SERVICE RESTART file. The PTF is VM64247 against HCPRPI. I am butting my head against a wall, trying to figure out the correct procedure from the RACF Program Directory to get that assembled and installed up to the point I can do a SERVICE RESTART. I've tried following, from the RACF Program Directory, 6.10.8, Performing a Local Modification to HCPxxx and at task 6.11, Install the CP Part of RACF, which is service racf enable, I get:

VMFSRV1216E A restart record was found in table SERVICE $RESTART. The interrupted service installation must be completed by issuing the SERVICE command with the RESTART operand. I've tried about every other combination in the RACF Prog. Dir. to install a modification and always seem to get the same kind of message. I suspect that I have made an error in labeling the HCPRPI update file on the 5VMRAC40 2C2 disk. I probably, by now have the VVTLCL completely messed up.

Could someone who has worked thru this tell me what they did. A reply off-list would be fine if you have a lengthy answer.

Jim Bohnsack
Cornell University
(972) 596-6377 home/office
(972) 342-5823 cell

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