On Friday, 10/02/2009 at 10:48 EDT, Bob Henry <bob.he...@sungardhe.com> 
> I'm trying to set up an ftp session from my PC to z/VM V5.1. I've tried 
> couple FTP products (FileZilla & WinSCP) which produces errors "Faile
> d to
> retrieve directory listing". I finally found an ftp product that works
> (CoreFTP) but the CMS 191 disk is accessed as read only so I can't 
> er
> any data to it. Is there a setting in the z/VM FTP server that causes 
> s?
> Can I issue a SITE command (or something else) that will put the mdisk 
> write mode?

Oh, and if your FTP client has provision to issue arbitrary commands 
immediately after login, you can issue "site listformat unix".

LISTFORMAT is also settable as the default on a per-user basis by using 
the CHKIPADR exit.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

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