Jim -
I'm running TXT2PDF 04.147 in an 8MB machine as a PIPE stage.
My PIPE reads NETDATA files directly from the RDR, calls the TXT2PDF
stage and then sends the output directly to an RSCS printer.  So
there are no intermediate files involved.  The largest report I ever
processed was about 500 pages.
I don't know if something like this would solve your storage problem.
If you want my code just give a holler.
/Fran Hensler at Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania USA for 46 years
    mailto:f...@zvm.sru.edu  http://zvm.sru.edu/~fjh  +1.724.738.2153
              "Yes, Virginia, there is a Slippery Rock"
On Tue, 6 Oct 2009 15:44:12 -0400 Hughes, Jim said:
>I am running version 9.107 of TXT2PDF. The problem existed with prior
>versions too.
>We have a 232,000 page report containing license plate data for the
>entire state. It has been going to fiche and the new direction is PDF.
>When I run this thing through TXT2PDF I eventually I get this message:
>DMSFRO159E Insufficient storage available to satisfy free storage
>request from 00088E5A
>Followed by:
>DMSMOD109S Virtual storage capacity exceeded
>I've increased the virtual storage size from 16meg to 32 meg with no
>happiness.  I am in the process of breaking the file up. I am at 50,000
>pages and it still fails.
>If someone has experienced this problem and found a solution, please let
>me know.
>Jim Hughes
>"It is fun to do the impossible."

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