Try this great web page for messages:
As opposed to what the URL suggests, it not only finds z/OS messages.

2009/10/9 Graeme Moss <>

> Hello Listers,
> I am working on a new z/VM 5.4 rsu 0902 system. To prove the hardware I
> have set up a second TCPIP with a new OSA owned by TCPIP2. I am getting this
> message but cannot track down any information about it.
> DTCOSD223E OSD device d...@0900: Return code E080 from STRTLAN for IPv4
> I have done searches on DTCOSD223E, E080 and STRTLAN.
> I would like to find out the meaning of the message AND how to find the
> meaning of the message
> Thanks in Advance
> Graeme

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

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