If you have access to the drives from your z/VM LPAR, there is a package
from Sine Nomine called E2CMD (?) that lets you manipulate EXT2 filesyste
The current exec (E2SH) needs the disk to be in read/write mode, but I th
that could be fixed so that you could use the disk in read-only mode.

/Tom Kern

On Thu, 15 Oct 2009 08:28:45 -0700, Schuh, Richard <rsc...@visa.com> wrot

>We have a need to be able to access files on a Linux system from CMS in 
different LPAR. Never having done this, the specifics of how to do it are
mystery waiting to be solved. What are the steps that need be done in ord
to accomplish this? Is there a procedure for doing it documented somewher
a Redbook perhaps? Any pointer to speed us on our way will be appreciated
>Richard Schuh

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