I'd like to mention a caveat.  It's been my experience that NFS and BFS
aren't the fast thing running.  It's ok for small files but for big
files, like 2 or 3 gig and above, it is painfully slow.
We looked at off loading some file backup processing from our open
systems to VM and copying the files from the open system servers to VM
took a long time.  Even with some tuning, things didn't get much better.
We scrapped the idea.

-----Original Message-----
From: The IBM z/VM Operating System [mailto:ib...@listserv.uark.edu] On
Behalf Of Richard Troth
Sent: Thursday, October 15, 2009 12:39 PM
Subject: Re: Access Linux Files From CMS

Let me second what Dave Jones said: try the CMS NFS client.  If you're
using CMS to manage Linux guests, it's a really handy tool.  For
example, consider that Linux is running NFS to share a directory
called "/export/stuff".  You could:

        openvm mount /../VMBFS:VMSYS:ROOT/ /
        openvm run /bin/mkdir -m 555 -p /import/stuff
        openvm mount /../NFS:linuxhostname/export/stuff /import/stuff
        openvm getbfs /import/stuff/the.file the file a (olddate

Look into the TRANS|NOTRANS option for both 'mount' and 'getbfs'.
Look into the LIST|NOLIST and other options for 'mount'.
And of course the REPLACE option for 'getbfs', if needed.
VM TCP/IP client tools disk required.

The CMS NFS client requires that you have a (non-NFS) byte filesystem
mounted as the root.  (You do not need the rest of the shell and
utilities functioning for this example, except for the 'mkdir'
command.  You do NOT need to launch a shell.)  The nature of POSIX
mounts is that there be an empty directory already at the point where
you want to mount.  (Thus the 'mkdir' command.)

-- Rick;   <><

On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 11:28, Schuh, Richard <rsc...@visa.com> wrote:
> We have a need to be able to access files on a Linux system from CMS
in a
> different LPAR. Never having done this, the specifics of how to do it
are a
> mystery waiting to be solved. What are the steps that need be done in
> to accomplish this? Is there a procedure for doing it documented
> a Redbook perhaps? Any pointer to speed us on our way will be
> Regards,
> Richard Schuh

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