> ...Rolly
>Oh, BTW, any one has the time change dates for 2009 - 201x? TIA.

Run the TZDATES EXEC pasted below.

Mike Walter
Hewitt Associates
The opinions expressed herein are mine alone, not my employer's.

/* Prolog; See Epilog for additional information ********************
 * Exec Name     - TZDATES  EXEC                                    *
 * Unit Support  - OSS/VM                                           *
 * Status        - Version 2, Release 1.0                           *

   address 'COMMAND'
   parse source xos xct xfn xft xfm xcmd xenvir .
   parse upper arg parms 1 operands '(' options ')' parmrest

   If operands='?' then Signal Explain
   parse var operands tz .
   If tz='' then tz='C'
   If ltz<>1 then
        say xfn'; Invalid timezone character, length not "1".' ,
               'Found "'tzc'".'
        say 'For more help, issue:' xfn '?'
        Call Exit 20

   resultfile=xfn 'BOUNDS A'
  'FINIS' resultfile
  'ERASE' resultfile

   Signal ON Error
   Do ix=2007 to 2041        /* What years do we want to cover?      */
      /* As of 2005-09-27, dates beginning in 2042 cause error msg:  */
      /* HCPZPM6706E Invalid date - 2042-mm-dd                       */
      /* There's time for an APAR before then...                     */
      fall  =GetFall(ix)
     'EXECIO 1 DISKW' resultfile '0 F 80 (STRING' spring
     'EXECIO 1 DISKW' resultfile '0 F 80 (STRING' fall
  'FINIS' resultfile
   say xfn 'results are now contained in file:' resultfile
Call Exit rc

/*                   Sub-Routines below this point                  */

   parse arg exitrc .
   If verify(exitrc,'-0123456789')=0 then Exit exitrc
                                     else Exit 999999

   parse arg year .
   /* Find 1st Sunday in March, beginning in 2007 per the:           */
   /* "U.S. Government Energy Policy Act of 2005".                   */
   Do dx=year||0301 by 1 for 7 until dow='Sunday'
   dx=dx+7   /* Ooooh, easy date math! Add 14 for 2nd Sunday in March*/
   spring='Timezone_Boundary on' ,
           date('S',dx,'S','-') ,     /* In yyyy-mm-dd fmt           */
          'at 02:00:00 to' tz'DT'     /* Change to Daylight Time     */
Return spring

   parse arg year .
   /* Find 1st Sunday in November beginning in 2007 per the:         */
   /* "U.S. Government Energy Policy Act of 2005".                   */
   Do dx=year||1101 by 1 for 7
      If date('W',dx,'S')<>'Sunday' then Iterate
      Return 'Timezone_Boundary on' ,
              date('S',dx,'S','-') ,  /* In yyyy-mm-dd fmt           */
             'at 02:00:00 to' tz'ST'  /* Change to Standard Time     */

   say '+++ "ERROR" error routine entered in:' xfn xft xfm', rc='rc
   say '+++ from line:' sigl', which reads:'
   say '+++'sourceline(sigl)
Exit 20

   say '+++ "SYNTAX" error routine entered in:' xfn xft xfm', rc='rc
   say '+++ from line:' sigl', which reads:'
   say '+++'sourceline(sigl)
Call Exit 20

   say '+++ "NoValue" error routine entered in:' xfn xft xfm', rc='rc
   say '+++ from line:' sigl', which reads:'
   say '+++'sourceline(sigl)
   say '+++ Variable with no value is:' condition('Description')
Call Exit 24

  'PIPE (NAME Explain)' ,
     '| <' xfn xft xfm ,
     '| INSIDE /ExplainBegin:/ /ExplainEnd:/' ,
     '| PREFACE STRLITERAL /'xfn xft xfm 'help.../' ,
     '| CONSOLE'
   Call Exit 0

Unless changed, TZDATES will produce a file suitable for inclusion in
"SYSTEM CONFIG" on MAINT's CF1, CF2, etc. disks to define the Spring and
Fall Daylight/Standard timezones.



          is the first character of the timezone to preface "DT" or
          "ST".  Default="C", as in "CST" and "CDT".

          displays this command help.


/* Epilog ***********************************************************
 * Function      - See "Explain:" subrtn above.                     *
 * Component of  - z/VM Sysprog's Toolbox.                          *
 * Command format- See "Explain:" subrtn above.                     *
 * Called by     - Prepared z/VM Sysprogs.                          *
 * Dependencies  - VM/ESA                                           *
 * Program Lang. - CMS REXX                                         *
 * Date Written  - ?                                                *
 * Author        - Michael R. Walter                                *
 * Changed | By  | Description of Change                            *
 * --------+-----+------------------------------------------------- *
 * 20070301  mrw - Update for 2007 US gov't timezone changes.       *
 *                                                                  *

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