I'm using CMSDDR and VMARC to transfer some CMS minidisks via FTP.  Both 
utilities seem to produce more output than the original data on the 
minidisk(s). Here's an example.

User has 25 files (mostly COBOL source and/or JCL) in a 4 cylinder 3390 
minidisk, blocked 4096. A "Q DISK" shows 76 blocks used, 644 blocks left.
CMSDDR on that minidisk shows 2,957,040 bytes IN, 2,634,392 bytes OUT, 41 
tracks not compacted. The output file from CMSDDR has 101 records of 
LRECL=49152 using 644 blocks (size 4096).
VMARC (of the CMSDDR output file) shows IN=2,634,392 and OUT=3,142,240. It 
produces a file of 38,736 records with LRECL=80 using 757 blocks (size 4096).

Does anyone have any explanation why these utilities "grow" the amount of data 
to be transmitted rather than "shrinking" it? Am I missing something? I'm using 
just the default options for both programs.

Any help would be appreciated.

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