Don't know about VMARC -- but CMSDDR is packing the entire minidisk - empty
space and all...    Why not just VMARC the files on the disk and forget
about CMSDDR?


On Thu, Oct 15, 2009 at 5:05 PM, Henry, Bob <> wrote:

>  I’m using CMSDDR and VMARC to transfer some CMS minidisks via FTP.  Both
> utilities seem to produce more output than the original data on the
> minidisk(s). Here’s an example.
> User has 25 files (mostly COBOL source and/or JCL) in a 4 cylinder 3390
> minidisk, blocked 4096. A “Q DISK” shows 76 blocks used, 644 blocks left.
> CMSDDR on that minidisk shows 2,957,040 bytes IN, 2,634,392 bytes OUT, 41
> tracks not compacted. The output file from CMSDDR has 101 records of
> LRECL=49152 using 644 blocks (size 4096).
> VMARC (of the CMSDDR output file) shows IN=2,634,392 and OUT=3,142,240. It
> produces a file of 38,736 records with LRECL=80 using 757 blocks (size
> 4096).
> Does anyone have any explanation why these utilities “grow” the amount of
> data to be transmitted rather than “shrinking” it? Am I missing something?
> I’m using just the default options for both programs.
> Any help would be appreciated.

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