Terry, I would ask "if you use it AND HAVE VALIDATED RESULTS?"
I've seen several sites install it during early days when there was no contention. So no problems means it is working? But when there is contention, the question is does it help when there is contention, or does it force servers to abend....

Martin, Terry R. (CMS/CTR) (CTR) wrote:

I am looking at implementing VMRM. I was wondering if you use it and if it is working as advertised? I want to mainly use it for managing the priority of my different workloads running in z/Linux. I am familiar with the goal concept from WLM on the z/OS side so I understand the principle behind it but I just wanted to know from those who use it how it is working. Also any specifics on setting it up in terms of what to watch out for etc….

//Thank You,//

//Terry Martin//

//Lockheed Martin - Information Technology//

//z/OS & z/VM Systems - Performance and Tuning//

//Cell - 443 632-4191//

//Work - 410 786-0386//

//terry.mar...@cms.hhs.gov <mailto:terry.mar...@cms.hhs.gov>//

//WFH on Tuesdays and Fridays//

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