The General Information Manual for z/VM 5.3 has passphrase support in the
base. I looked in the Security section, page 16.

Enhanced System Security with Longer Passwords
Working together, z/VM V5.3 and the RACF Security Server for z/VM FL530
feature support the use of passwords that are longer than eight characters,
called password phrases (also known as passphrases). A password phrase may
contain mixed-case letters, numbers, blanks, and special characters,
allowing for an exponentially greater number of possible combinations of
characters than traditional passwords. To utilize password phrases, an
external security manager (ESM) that supports password phrases, such as
RACF, is required. To ease migration from passwords to password phrases,
the RACF Security Server for z/VM continues to support traditional
8-character passwords. A new callable services library (CSL) routine,
DMSPASS, allows authorized CMS applications to authenticate passwords or
password phrases. The z/VM LOGON command, the z/VM TCP/IP File Transfer
Protocol (FTP), Systems Management API, Remote Execution Protocol (REXEC),
and Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP) servers, and the Performance
Toolkit for VM have been updated to support password phrases. For
environments in which password phrases cannot be used, but where additional
password complexity is required, the RACF Security Server for z/VM also
provides support for mixed-case 8-character passwords. Support for password
phrases and mixed-case passwords enables a z/VM system to meet the
enterprise password requirements imposed by many companies, governments,
and institutions.

Doug Breneman  z/VM Development  IBM Endicott

  From:       "Schuh, Richard" <>                       
  To:         IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU                                  
  Date:       11/02/2009 04:38 PM                                      
  Subject:    Pass Phrases                                             
  Sent by:    The IBM z/VM Operating System <IBMVM@LISTSERV.UARK.EDU>  

When were pass phrases first supported by VM? Was it the base z/VM 5.3 or
were they introduced to 5.3 via the service stream?

Richard Schuh

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