On Tuesday, 11/03/2009 at 04:45 EST, Bob Levad <ble...@winnebagoind.com> 
> I don't know if others have seen this behaviour, but I've seen 
discussion of
> logoff/force pending recently and found nothing similar in a quick 
> search.

If you LOGOFF or are FORCEd while you are in the middle of LOGON HERE, you 
should get 
HCPLGA6051E Restart the logon procedure because reconnect processing 
cannot be done

Any time you get LOGOFF/FORCE PENDING and the condition doesn't clear 
itself in a reasonable[1] amount of time you should get a SNAPDUMP or 
restart dump and open a PMR.

If CP isn't going to give you a hint as to what to do to fix the problem 
(other than IPL), then CP needs to not get into that state in the first 
place.  Hence the need to open a PMR.

Alan Altmark
z/VM Development
IBM Endicott

[1] The longest you have to wait for an I/O to complete or get an error is 
twice the missing interrupt handler time for the device.  INDICATE I/O 
will tell you if the user is waiting on I/O.  Do a QUERY MITIME on any 
device you see the user waiting on.  Take the longest MITIME and double 
it.  For DASD and tape, the MITIME value comes from the device itself. 
Note that for 2nd level systems, the missing interrupt handler is turned 
OFF by default!

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