I had an unexpected occurrence this past weekend.  I needed to add to 2
volumes to the cp owned list in the SYSTEM CONFIG file.  I try to keep
the list in volume order.  I inserted the two volumes and thus pushed
everything else down on the list, thus changing the slot assignment.  Of
the volumes that got shifted to new slots were two volumes I use for
spool packs.  Everything went smoothly until I IPL'd.  When VM came back
up, at the point after you reply with resetting the TOD, VM fussed about
the spool packs and asked if I wanted to delete all the entries in the
spool file.

This came as a complete surprise to me.  I didn't know VM, or whatever,
keep track of slots and what they were assigned to.  I replied stop,
hoping that it would ignore the problem and go on. Nope, VM does stop.
Luckily I had a mini VM system installed for DR testing and was able to
get the problem corrected.

My question is:  does VM keep track of slot assignments?  I wouldn't
think so, but . . .

Below are three versions of the config files.  The first one is the
original before I started moving things around.

    CP_Owned   Slot   1  540RES      

    CP_Owned   Slot   2  540SPL   <---  spool pack      

    CP_Owned   Slot   3  540PG1      

    CP_Owned   Slot   4  540W01      

    CP_Owned   Slot   5  540W02      

    CP_Owned   Slot   6  540W03      

    CP_Owned   Slot   7  540W04      

    CP_Owned   Slot   8   540W05  <--- spare entry. I always keep one
spare entry in the list. Volume didn't exist at this point in time.  

    CP_Owned   Slot   9   VMWRK1  <--- spool pack     

    CP_Owned   Slot   10  VMWRK2     

    CP_Owned   Slot   11  VMWRK3  <--- spool pack     

    CP_Owned   Slot   12  VMWRK4     

    CP_Owned   Slot   13  540PG2     

    CP_Owned   Slot   14  540PG3     

    CP_Owned   Slot   15  RESERVED      

    CP_Owned   Slot   16  RESERVED      

    CP_Owned   Slot   17  RESERVED   

    CP_Owned   Slot   18  RESERVED   

    CP_Owned   Slot   19  RESERVED   

    CP_Owned   Slot   20  RESERVED   


This next one is where I inserted the two new volumes and shifted the
volumes below down to new slots.  This version of the list is what
caused the problems.


    CP_Owned   Slot   1  540RES      

    CP_Owned   Slot   2  540SPL  <--- spool pack    

    CP_Owned   Slot   3  540PG1      

    CP_Owned   Slot   4  540W01      

    CP_Owned   Slot   5  540W02      

    CP_Owned   Slot   6  540W03      

    CP_Owned   Slot   7  540W04  

    CP_Owned   Slot   8  540W05   <--- new volume    

    CP_Owned   Slot   9  540W06   <--- new volume

    CP_Owned   Slot   10  VMWRK1  <--- spool pack     

    CP_Owned   Slot   11  VMWRK2     

    CP_Owned   Slot   12  VMWRK3  <--- spool pack     

    CP_Owned   Slot   13  VMWRK4     

    CP_Owned   Slot   14  540PG2     

    CP_Owned   Slot   15  540PG3     

    CP_Owned   Slot   16   540W07     

    CP_Owned   Slot   17  RESERVED   

    CP_Owned   Slot   18  RESERVED   

    CP_Owned   Slot   19  RESERVED   

    CP_Owned   Slot   20  RESERVED   


The final list, what I'm running with right now.

    CP_Owned   Slot   1  540RES      

    CP_Owned   Slot   2  540SPL  <--- spool pack      

    CP_Owned   Slot   3  540PG1      

    CP_Owned   Slot   4  540W01      

    CP_Owned   Slot   5  540W02      

    CP_Owned   Slot   6  540W03      

    CP_Owned   Slot   7  540W04      

    CP_Owned   Slot   8   540W07     

    CP_Owned   Slot   9   VMWRK1 <--- spool pack     

    CP_Owned   Slot   10  VMWRK2     

    CP_Owned   Slot   11  VMWRK3 <--- spool pack     

    CP_Owned   Slot   12  VMWRK4     

    CP_Owned   Slot   13  540PG2     

    CP_Owned   Slot   14  540PG3     

    CP_Owned   Slot   15  540W05 <--- new volume      

    CP_Owned   Slot   16  540W06 <--- new volume      

    CP_Owned   Slot   17  RESERVED   

    CP_Owned   Slot   18  RESERVED   

    CP_Owned   Slot   19  RESERVED   

    CP_Owned   Slot   20  RESERVED   

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