On 10/23/09 4:35 PM, "Martin, Terry R. (CMS/CTR) (CTR)"
<terry.mar...@cms.hhs.gov> wrote:

> I am trying to send an ALERT captured in Velocity ESAMON over to our
> NETCOOL/OMNIBUS console. I have the Velocity piece set up and we can see that
> the ALERT gets to the OMNIBUS console. See logs below. However nothing is
> being done with it because the OMNIBUS guy tells me that there needs to be a
> What should this rule look like on the OMNIBUS side to pick up my ALERT and
> have an email sent out based on the alert?

Omnibus first needs to know what the formal definition of the alert payload
is. There should be a ASN.1 MIB file supplied with ESAMON that contains
these definitions. If there isn't a file like that, bug them until they
provide one. 

You take that file, copy it to the Omnibus machine, and compile it into an
internal representation using the Omnibus MIB compiler utility. There's a
section in the Omnibus manual on how to incorporate new MIBs; same process
as dealing with a new kind of switch or router.

You then define an action in Omnibus to tell Omnibus what to do when it
receives that alert. The compiled MIB tells Omnibus how to parse the SNMP
trap payload, and those values will be made available to the probe rule
processing engine as variables $1, $2, etc. You write a script that takes
those variables and does whatever you want with them (eg, generates an email
in your case). Your Omnibus admin then associates your script with the alert
name, and you're done. I think one of the predefined Omnibus actions would
work, but you may want to put some explanatory text around the values or do
a little cherry-picking on what you report, so you might want a custom
script to do the email generation.

(BTW, this is not unique to Omnibus. All SNMP managers work pretty much the
same way. The same process will work with Netview or HP Openview or any
common SNMP management software).

> I am also a little confused between a MIB and an OID in some of the
> documentation I read they seem to be used interchangeable.

A MIB is a collection of formal definitions of alerts and variables that can
be queried or set, each identified by an OID. In Z terms, you can think of
it as similar to a message repository: the OID is equivalent to the message
ID (HCPnnnnS), and the rest of the MIB is the structure and formatting of
the message payload, eg what parameters to expect and what the order,
formatting and type of those parameters should be.

> 10/15/09 14:37:21: Debug: <<<<< (snmptrap.rules) Enterprise ID not found,
> checking ncotdc include files. >>>>>

These messages tell you that Omnibus does not know how to interpret the
alert. You need to incorporate the MIB for ESAMON into Omnibus. Then you can
define a rule -- right now, it's falling through to the "generic" one used
when it doesn't know what else to do.

Call me on the phone if you want and I'll explain further.

-- db

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