As others have pointed out, DIRECTXA could not find the RPWLIST DATA file, which should have been on MAINT's 2CC (C) disk.

One of the non-intuitive aspects of the RPWLIST DATA file is that it is required to be present, even if you do not wish to restrict the passwords in that manner. Perhaps you have an External Security Manager, your own Rexx exec that checks for variations/permutations, or just don't care on a PoC system.

In that case, the RPWLIST DATA file must still be present but may be reduced down to one F80 record with an asterisk in column one. This dummy file will satisfy the DIRECTXA command but have no effect on the passwords.


On 11/13/09 02:33 Martin, Terry R. (CMS/CTR) (CTR) said:

I was just updating my DIRECTOR (DIRECTXA) and I received this message. I am not sure what it means and if I need to do something. If someone has a thought on this I would appreciate it.

Ready; T=0.01/0.01 21:26:46 directxa user

HCPDIR750I RESTRICTED PASSWORD FILE NOT FOUND EOJ DIRECTORY UPDATED AND ON LINE HCPDIR494I User directory occupies 52 disk pages Ready; T=0.01/0.01 21:26:55
//Thank You,//

//Terry Martin//

//Lockheed Martin - Information Technology//

//z/OS & z/VM Systems - Performance and Tuning//

//Cell - 443 632-4191//

//Work - 410 786-0386//

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//WFH on Tuesdays and Fridays//

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