On Thu, 12 Nov 2009 13:01:52 -0600, Alan Ackerman
<alan.acker...@bankofamerica.com> wrote:

>Where are you getting the 99% number? Which version of Linux are you 
>running? Older versions of Linux were fooled by the CPU being taken away
>and reported high values of CPU utilization in 'top' and elsewhere. 
>If all the numbers are from PerfKit, they don't make sense. You cannot 

>have 3 users running at 99% and have the 3 IFLs running at 10-15% each. 

>Are you sure you are looking at the same time interval? If you are looki
>at both Linxu and VM tools, they may not match up.
>Alan Ackerman                    
>Alan (dot) Ackerman (at) Bank of America (dot) com   
>On Thu, 12 Nov 2009 13:17:26 -0500, Dean, David (I/S) 
><david_d...@bcbst.com> wrote:
>>OK, this is for all you guys that understand the magic tunnel in which 

>CPU processing (usage) flows from an IFL to a zLinux server.
>>We have a z10 running zVM 5.4 in a dedicated LPAR with 3 dedicated 
>IFL's.  We have approximately 30 zLinux servers.  Using IBM PerfKit, I 

>list all of the individual USER / zLinux CPU usages, each of which 
>generally run in the 1 to 5 % range.  These servers do of course peak 

>higher but on average they are pretty low.  We then take a look at the 3
>IFL's and see usage of maybe 5% on each.  Now, let's say we have a USER 
>server or two or three go berserk and peak CPU at 99 % for an extended 

>period of time.  We then look at the IFL CPU usages and all three have 

>climbed to maybe 10 to 15% each.
>>How did the CPU get allocated?  Is it always spread evenly across the 

>IFL's, is that a setting?  Why, if there were 3 USER / servers running a
>99%, was more CPU not allocated from the 3 IFL's?  Why did the IFL's 
>decide to allocate X amount and go no further.
>>In the USER DIRECTORY I allocate storage but not CPU.
>>David M. Dean
>>Information Systems
>>BlueCross BlueShield Tennnessee
>>Please see the following link for the BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee
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