On 11/29/2009 01:00 AM, wrote:
TAG data is just some arbitrary meta-data associated with a spool file.

Although a spool file "TAG" data may indicate a final destination node
when spooled to an RSCS virtual machine, this meta-data may have any
semantics depending on the interpretation of the recipient of the spool

The PROFs group had picked up a very early, prerelease source of VMSG (an internal 
email client) for use for handling email in PROFS. Later the VMSG author suggested 
that PROFs group upgrade their source to a much later & more capable release. 
The PROFs group denied that they were using VMSG. The VMSG author then pointed out 
that all PROFs email has other information (besides RSCS control info) in the TAG 
data ... including the initials of the VMSG author. The PROFs group then tried 
repeatedly to get the VMSG author fired. After that, the VMSG author only made the 
VMSG source available to two other people.

About that time, I was also visiting Tymshare periodically and they showed me a 
copy of Adventure that they had gotten from machine at stanford and ported to 
vm/cms. I asked if I could get a copy. I was still negotiating for a process 
where Tymshare would dump me a copy of all VMSHARE files once a month so I 
could make them available on internal systems (if that had been in place, they 
could have just appended the Adventure source to the VMSHARE tape). The VMSG 
author had another round about path that involved a univ. in the UK ... which 
get it via another way. I finally got a copy of Adventure from the VMSG author 
via the path thru UK ... and I was able to make Adventure available internal. 
Originally, I would only distribute the executable ... but if somebody 
demonstrated that they collected all points ... I would send them the source.

I eventually did get early procedure in place to get a monthly tape of all 
VMSHARE files ... and one of the places I made them available was the internal 
(vm370-based) HONE system ... the US HONE datacenters had been consolidated in 
northern cal. ... and I could drop by both Tymshare and HONE (and some number 
of other places) on days that I would also be attending the monthly VM370 
baybunch meetings at SLAC.

some old email mentioning VMSHARE

and for other drift ... VMSAHRE archives

HONE had originated in the wake of the 23jun69 unbundling announcement to provide 
"hands-on" experience to SEs in the branch office (after unbundling, SE time at 
customer accounts was charge for ... but lots of SE experience came as sort of apprentice 
activity as part of large SE teams at customer accounts ... and charging for couldn't be 
justified ... but would have been required). Several HONE datacenters were created in the 
US for this purpose ... branch office SEs running operating systems in ... originally 
cp67 virtual machines. After initial 370 announcements ... the HONE cp67 systems were 
enhanced to simulate the new 370 instructions part of the announcement (so could run 
systems built for new 370 systems). For the 70s and part of the 80s ... I provided highly 
customized cp67 and vm370 systems for HONE.

some old email mentioning HONE

use web online sat. map and lookup the address of facebook. the bldg. next to 
facebook was the consolidated US hone datacenter from the mid-70s.

40+yrs virtualization experience (since Jan68), online at home since Mar1970

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