Another application by the VMSG author was parasite/story. It used the PVM logical device/3270 
facility and had a HLLAPI type scripting language (before the advent of ibm/pc) ... it was 
"after" REX was available internally. Another remarkable thing was that the executable 
was small enough to fit in the CMS "transient" area.

some old storys ... including automatic logging into RETAIN and retrieving PUT 
buckets: Newbie TOPS-10 7.03 question Newbie TOPS-10 7.03 question

for other topic drift ... in the early 80s I did a re-implementation of the 
spool file system written in vs/pascal running in virtual machine. a problem 
was that HSDT project was putting in multiple T1 (and higher speed links) ... 
with aggregate thruput requirements of megabyte/sec or more. This was 
effectively impossible with RSCS and the existing spool file system. The spool 
file interface was synchronous transfer of 4k block at a time. On a system with 
competing transfers, a RSCS transfer might be stuffed in queue with 3-4 other 
operations ... giving RSCS possibly 4-5 4kbyte transfers/sec; I needed possibly 
200-300 4kbyte transfers/sec for RSCS.

I had my page-mapped filesystem for CMS with things like contiguous allocation, 
efficient multiple block transfers and while CMS might view the interface as 
synchronous ... but playing games with page table entries allowed for 
asynchronous transfers (a CMS application with moderate filesystem use had 
something like three times the thruput using page-mapped filesystem compared to 
normal CMS filesystem running on exact same hardware), i could leverage that 
interface for the virtual machine spool file implementation ... but I was 
taking spool file assembler kernel implementation, redo it in virtual machine 
pascal implementation and get at least 100 times increased thruput.

The additional challenge was that since RSCS transferred the whole 4k spool file 
block ... all of the high-thruput changes & modifications had to be done so 
that they were transparent and interoperated with RSCS running on unmodified vm370 

old posts on the subject in this mailing list Migrating pages from a paging device 
(was Re: removal of paging device) SPXTAPE status from REXX

other posts on the subject: CP spooling & programming technology CP spooling & programming technology dasd full cylinder transfer (long 
post warning)

misc. past HSDT posts

40+yrs virtualization experience (since Jan68), online at home since Mar1970

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