On 1/16/10 02:17 John McKown said:
On Fri, 2010-01-15 at 20:13 -0600, Rich Smrcina wrote:
On 01/15/2010 08:01 PM, Dave Jones wrote:
Interesting article in "The Economist" about the return of the mainframe.....

The return of the mainframe Back in fashion

Did the mainframe leave?

In terms of "mind share", then yes, it did leave. Many "pundits" said it
was moribund and obsolete. Now, what with "consolidation fever", the z
is showing that visualization on it is superior to Intel. It still has a
problem with initial entry cost vs. Intel. And let's not even talk about
z/OS vs. Linux.

As one who is struggling to run CAD/CAM on an Intel-powered laptop, I can assure you that visualization using z/Series resources is _much_ superior, but I suspect you meant "virtualization", so you were right either way. ;-)


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