Did you have a look at my SFSULIST package?  My first impression is that you
almost do in linemode what I created in a FILELIST-like fashion:

2010/2/24 Mrohs, Ray <ray.mr...@usdoj.gov>

> I deal with SFS administration only rarely and I have trouble
> remembering the fussy syntax for even the more common functions. I put
> together this little REXX to help me along. It's by no means complete,
> but maybe some people in the same situation will find it useful. Note
> K8SYSU: is an example - replace with your own.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> --
> /* Menu SFS activities so you don't have to remember  */
> /* all those commands.                                */
> /* Here aree the file systems to manage. You can have up to 9. */
> sfss = "VMSYS: VMSYSU: VMSYSR: K8SYSU:          "
> Top:
> say '            Access        Query        Maintenance'
> say '            Userid        Space        Commands   '
> say '            ------        -----        -----------'
> do i = 1 to words(sfss)
>   sfs  = justify(word(sfss,i),12)
>   sel1 = justify(i||'1',13)
>   sel2 = justify(i||'2',13)
>   sel3 = justify(i||'3',13)
>   say sfs sel1 sel2 sel3
> end
> say
> say 'Make 2-digit selection:'
> parse pull ans .
> ans1 = substr(ans,1,1)
> ans2 = substr(ans,2,1)
> if ans1 < 1 | ans1 > words(sfss) then exit
> fs = word(sfss,ans1)
> if ans2 = '1' then signal Access
> if ans2 = '2' then signal Query
> if ans2 = '3' then signal Maint
> exit
> Access:
> 'pipe',
> '| drop 1',
> '| pad 12',
> '| snake 6 1',
> '| console'
> say
> say 'Type the userid to access:'
> parse pull user .
> 'DIRL' fs||user||'.'
> signal Top
> Query:
> say
> say 'Press ENTER to continue.'
> parse pull junk
> signal Top
> Maint:
> say 'Examples -'
> say '            enroll user <newuser>' fs '(blocks nnnn'
> say '            modify user {+/-}nnnn for <curuser>' fs
> say
> say 'Press ENTER to continue.'
> parse pull junk
> signal Top
> ------------------------------------------------------------

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

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