Well...  PIPEDDR is not the package that has the DDR module that can
hook to CMS Pipelines.  That is the DRPC package (see
http://www.vm.ibm.com/download/packages/descript.cgi?DRPC).  PIPEDDR
provides a "DDR-like" function that uses the Pipelines trackread and
trackwrite stages (and, by the way, it supports tapes and filedefs.)
It is unfortunate that the name PIPEDDR implies "real" DDR, but the
DRPC package and function came after PIPEDDR existed.

On Tue, Mar 9, 2010 at 2:03 PM, Mike Walter <mike.wal...@hewitt.com> wrote:
> For those wondering:  "Great!   But where do I find The PIPE-capable DDR
> ?"...
> http://www.vm.ibm.com/download/packages/
> If you have not visited the IBM VM Download page, and as long as your site
> does not restrict downloads of mainframe utilities, then go visit it...
> NOW!
> IMHO - you are losing valuable time re-inventing the wheel -- repeatedly.
> Mike Walter
> Hewitt Associates
> The opinions expressed herein are mine alone, not my employer's.
> Further, the "help" on that page reports:
> IBM Systems  >
> System z  >
> z/VM  >
> Description of PIPEDDR
> Download count: 14 this month, 2473 altogether.
> Downloads for PIPEDDR:
> VMARC archive: v-24K
> This exec is somewhat mis-named, because it does not dump and restore in
> DDR format but uses PIPE's TRACKREAD and TRACKWRITE stages. This exec will
> dump a disk into a regular CMS file to allow sending the data over the
> network. The CMS file can also be compressed, saving disk space. The exec
> will also restore the file back to the same or a different disk. The
> compression method supported is pack. Pack creates a file that is
> compatible with the PACK option of the CMS COPYFILE command.
> A file created by this exec has the disk information in the first record
> (size and device type) and the contents of the disk in the rest.
> The disk can also be dumped over a TCP/IP connection directly to a
> receiving PIPEDDR exec running on a remote system or to a file on an FTP
> server. A file can be restored from an FTP server or an HTTP (web) server.
> Also, dump to and restore from a tape is supported by using the TAPE
> option and the same operations using a CMS filedef using the FILEDEF
> option.
> PIPEDDR requires the Princeton Runtime Distribution level of Pipelines at
> version 110B0004 (15 May 2002 level) or later. It uses the PICKPIPE EXEC
> to load this level if it is needed. PICKPIPE is also available via the VM
> download library. See the PICKPIPE description or get the VMARC file.
> The FTP option requires either the INSTPIPE MODULE from a modern version
> of CMS (found on MAINT 2CC or MAINT 193) or the DRPC MODULE from the DRPC
> package on the VM download library. See the DRPC description or get the
> VMARC file.
> The FTP option can also use a NETRC DATA file stored anywhere in the
> search order. This file can supply a password or a userid and password for
> the connection, so that the password would not be hardcoded into an exec
> or displayed on the console.
> The exec also has a TERSE option, but it can only be used if the TERSE
> Pipelines stage is available. This allows the exec to create output files
> that are smaller or send less data over the network. The TERSE Pipelines
> stage is not available outside of IBM, but a standalone terse function is
> available as part of the FCOPY package on the VM download library. See
> the FCOPY description or get the VMARC file and extract the FCOPYTRS
> MODULE. This module will allow you to terse the output file created by
> A help file is included in the package. Enter HELP PIPEDDR for usage
> information.
> Feedback: Bruce Hayden Linux on System z Advanced Technical Support
> Some examples of how to use PIPEDDR.
> To dump a minidisk to a file with the default name:
> This creates a file named MAINT DISK019E A
> To dump the same disk to a different filemode:
> To restore the file to the same disk:
> To restore the file to a different disk and skip the prompt:
> To send an entire minidisk over the network On the receiving node, enter:
> This will display the port number it is using. To force the port to 12345:
> On the sending system use (where is the listening port):
> PIPEDDR DUMP MAINT 19E nodeid.example.com
> The connection should be made and the disk sent over. Note that PACK is
> the default for remote connections.
> To send a minidisk to a file named maint.disk019e on an ftp server:
> PIPEDDR DUMP MAINT 19E (ftp(-h server.example.com -u hayden -p password)
> To restore a minidisk from file disk.dump on an ftp server, and skip the
> prompt, either of these commands can be used:
> PIPEDDR RESTORE MAINT 19E (noprompt ftp -h server.example.com -u hayden -p
> password -d /disks -f disk.dump
> ftp://hayden:passw...@server.example.com/disks/disk.dump
> To do the same thing but from an http server:
> http://server.example.com/disks/disk.dump
> Note that disks dumped via ftp are always stored in packed format.
> Change log, latest changes first
> Version    Change Description
> -------    ------------------
> V1.4.10    Attempt to use a minidisk defined with DEVNO failed
> V1.4.9     Fix PIPE stage sep and end chars for ftp/http stages
> V1.4.8     Add cipher flag and packing type checks for TCPIP transfers
> V1.4.7     Fix checking when new disk has no label
>           Fix end of data marker for TCP/IP transfers
> V1.4.6     Add Filedef input/output support
> V1.4.5     Add single volume Tape input/output support
> V1.4.4     Add CIPHER option, usable only of the pipe stage is available
> V1.4.3     Add HTTP option and the ability to specify a URL for it and FTP
> V1.4.2     Allow use of a NETRC DATA file for FTP parameters
> V1.4.1     For FTP option, use DRPC MODULE first if found, then look
>           for INSTPIPE MODULE pipe filter on MAINT 193
> V1.4.0     Overall clean up
> V1.3.11    Add FTP option using DRPC MODULE
> V1.3.10    Use CPFMTXA to put label on disk before restore
> V1.3.9     Fix math error in report of megabytes transferred
> V1.3.8     Fix disk label reading code
> V1.3.7     Fix false "success" message

Bruce Hayden
z/VM and Linux on System z ATS
IBM, Endicott, NY

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