The new version looks much nicer too.  Thanks.

I try the ADD process and added a CAL.CMD file to an existing VMARC file,
that I then uploaded to VM:
l qdsk vmarc (ISO
QDSK     VMARC    A1 F         80        125          3 2010-03-12 09:59:41
Ready MAINT at AGC ; T=0.01/0.01 10:01:07
vmarc list QDSK VMARC A
CAL      CMD      A1. Bytes in=    2400, bytes out=       0 (     0%).
QDSK     EXEC     A1. Bytes in=    7600, bytes out=       0 (     0%).
Ready MAINT at AGC ; T=0.01/0.01 10:01:19
vmarc unpk QDSK VMARC A
Unexpected error during output. RC=11.
Ready MAINT at AGC (00011); T=0.01/0.01 10:01:25
If the 11 is an FSWRITE retruncode:
 11     FSCB is not marked with a record format of F nor of V

I didn't change the settings (that I just now detected), they still read:
    fmode A1, refcm Variable, lrecl 65535, compression LZW; conversion

I don't know how difficult this would be: now when adding files to a VMARC,
one would first need to update the settings (to set the characteristics of
the files to be added).  It would be much better if the File Open dialog
could be changed to include these settings on the Open panel, otherwise
chances are great one will forget to set the right things.

And, very strange: I just re-opened the VMARC file (to which I added this
CAL.CMD file): the CAL.CMD file is not listed, only the original (and only)
CMS file is listed.  With XEDIT, I can easily see that the added file is the
first member in the VMARC (in hex I see the same in my Windows file).

2010/3/11 Kim Goldenberg <>

>  On 03/11/2010 01:22 PM, Mark Post wrote:
>   On 3/11/2010 at 12:59 PM, Leland Lucius <> 
> <> wrote:
>  You can now create and/or update VMARC files on Linux, OS X, and
> Windows.  ASIS and LZW storage methods are currently supported and I'll
> be adding S2 support after SHARE.
> Download the update here:
> Keep a critical eye open when trying it out and let me know of critters
> or odd behavior.  There's bound to be some...
>  When I compile the source I get this:
> make: wx-config: Command not found.
> Where does that command come from?
>  The appropriate debug version of libwxgtk; at least that's where it is in
> Ubuntu.
> Kim Goldenberg

Kris Buelens,
IBM Belgium, VM customer support

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