My searches haven't found anything that answers this question, and perhap
only Alan will know the answer, so here goes:

Does Standalone DDR (directly in an LPAR, not under z/VM) do a hardware 

assign & release for the 3590 tape drive addresses it uses?

I'm thinking ahead to an upcoming DR exercise in which while I'm running 

DDR native in one LPAR some z/OS images are being IPL'd in other LPARs 

that also have access to the same tape drive ranges.  I know z/OS does th
hardware assign when it varies the drive online, and I'm wondering if tha
will negatively impact Standalone DDR's access to the tape drive it is 

using.  Once I'm far enough along that I can run DDR under z/VM I know it
won't be an issue because z/VM will do the assign when the drive is 
attached to a virtual machine.

Brian Nielsen

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