Friday we migrated from a z9 with OSA Express2 adapters to a z10 with OSA
Express-3 adapters.  Since then we have had odd behavior on a Linux
(SLES-11) server running under z/VM 5.4.  When a customer tries to FTP data
to us, they log in with problem, but when they do the put,  they will either
time out, or they will wait for 2 to 3 minutes before the transfer begins.
I've verified this behavior by FTPing from my PC at home.  I've checked with
our network/firewall guy and he says nothing has been changed/modified over
the weekend.   The only thing I can bring it back to is the push/pull of the
z9 to a z10 and the OSA adapters.  The old OSA express2 where 2 ports 2
chpids.  The OSA express3 are 2 ports 1 chpid.

Linux is connected to a vswitch as is z/VM TCPIP.

If on my PC client I enter the command
ftp> epsv
EPSV/EPRT on IPv4 off.

Then there is no pause at all when I issue the put command.   I've asked the
customer to add this command to his FTP to see if it clears the problem.

Does anyone have an idea if the change from OSA2 to OSA3 could actually be
causing this behavior?

Mark Pace
Mainline Information Systems
1700 Summit Lake Drive
Tallahassee, FL. 32317

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