Vswitch is internal to CP, hipersockets makes most sense to move data between LPARs.

Using hipersockets requires a trip out of the VM system (even if it's between virtual machines), whereas using the VSwitch stays within CP.

On 04/29/2010 10:06 PM, Martin, Terry R. (CMS/CTR) (CTR) wrote:
Rich thanks for the information. One last thing you mention that " If
the guests
are running in the same z/VM system it makes more sense to use the
VSwitch, than to use hipersockets."  Why is this? Is that the benefit of
the Hipersockets is lost?

Thank You,

Terry Martin
Lockheed Martin - Citic
z/OS and z/VM Performance Tuning and Operating Systems Support
Office - 443 348-2102
Cell - 443 632-4191

Rich Smrcina
Phone: 414-491-6001

Catch the WAVV! http://www.wavv.org
WAVV 2011

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