The XAUTOLOG is both Class A and Class B.  So, MAINT, which has Class
B, can still issue XAUTOLOG.  Enter Q COMMANDS XAUTOLOG and you will
see if you are allowed to issue that command and which privilege class
allows you to do it.

See for
an exec that will create a file of all commands and their classes.  A
lot of people just *add* new priv classes to commands, so your second
example is the way they do it.

On Wed, May 19, 2010 at 2:39 PM, Karl Kingston <> wrote:
> I'm working on setting up my z/VM 5.4 system (currently running 5.3 in
> production).
> When it was set up, we set up a CLASS OVERRIDE file with the following
> lines:
> On the z/VM 5.3 system, this works.    But when I read the docs, it says
> this will take the commands away from class A users.  But yet, if I'm logged
> on as MAINT (has class A) or OPERATOR, the commands work.   Am I
> misunderstanding something here?
> On my 5.4 system I want to use the Modify command.
> My commands are:
> MODIFY Cmd SIGNAL                           IBMclass A PRIVclass O
> MODIFY Cmd XAUTOLOG                         IBMclass A PRIVclass O
> if I want SIGNAL and XAUTOLOG to be run by class A users will they execute?
>   or do I need to change the commands to be:
> MODIFY Cmd SIGNAL                           IBMclass A PRIVclass AO
> MODIFY Cmd XAUTOLOG                         IBMclass A PRIVclass AO
> ???
> Thanks
> Karl Kingston
> County of Onondaga

Bruce Hayden
z/VM and Linux on System z ATS
IBM, Endicott, NY

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